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Terms of service

By using this website or any other website owned and operated by "moviesminiworld" you agree to the following terms of service:

Legal Use:

This website may only be used for legal purposes. Like an Internet service provider, barring any technical issues, this website allows the user to access any website on the Internet. It is the responsibility of the end user to use the abilities this service grants in a manner that is consistent with both US law and the locals laws and policies in effect at the user's personal location. The users of this service, and not the owners and operators of this service, will be responsible for any consequences stemming from any improper or illegal usage of the service. We reserve the right to cooperate with appropriate law enforcement agencies about any activities conducted via this website that may violate any law enforceable in the jurisdiction under which the service is run (currently the United States of America, Canada, and France).

Abuse of the service:

The service provided by this website operates with significant, but limited and expensive, resources, such as ram, processing power, and bandwidth. In using this service, you agree not to abuse the service by using an excessive number of these limited resources. Users or groups of users who are believed to be abusing the service by using excessive resources, are not welcome to use the service and their access may be blocked by the site administrator. Examples of abusive use of resources are automatically crawling pages using this service, repeatedly requesting the same resources over and over again, hotlinking to pages, images, or files provided by the service, or any other activity that would cause significantly larger amounts of load on our servers than an average user would normally cause to be used.


We take user's privacy very seriously, and will not knowingly disclose confidential information to anyone. However, we reserve the right to cooperate with law enforcement agencies who are investigating criminal activities undertaken by users of our service. In logging access to this service, we try to balance our need to have access to useful site performance data and the need to be able to cooperate with criminal investigations with our user's needs for privacy. Currently our goal is to log only that information which is necessary to comply with legitimate law enforcement inquiries for a period of 7 days from the date of access. This logging policy is a goal and not a mandate.


We reserve the right to change these terms at any time as determined necessary by the service's administrators.
